Crest (Book #2,Swift Series) Read online

Page 18

“Sure, I think I can help.” I smiled.

  We made a point to see Annette and Samuel once a month, either they would cross time and come to us, or we could go to them.

  “So, is Collin coming to dinner, too?” I asked, grinning over at her.

  She nodded. “Yes, and I’m so nervous about telling my parents we’re dating... even though we’ve officially been dating for a couple months now. I’m going to tell them tonight, though. I think Collin’s starting to think I’m ashamed of him or something and that’s not it at all.”

  “Well, what is it then?” I asked.

  “It’s just that we dropped such a bombshell on them a few months ago when we told them that we were moving here. I don’t want to overwhelm them.”

  “C’mon, Abby. Collin’s great—annoying at times—but he’s a good guy. Your parents are going to be thrilled when they find out about the two of you.”

  When we got back to our house, I could see Blake and Collin still working on the school house out back. It was coming along well... really well. Actually, I was impressed with all the progress they had made since this morning.

  “Hi, guys,” I called as I made my way across the yard.

  “Hi,” Collin said, smiling. His smile grew the closer I got and I began to wonder why he was looking at me like that... like he wanted to come tackle and kiss me or something. Then I glanced behind me, seeing that Abby was trailing just a few feet behind. There is no way they can give Blake and I crap for being too lovey-dovey anymore, I thought to myself.

  “I think a few students will have their first day of school here tomorrow,” Blake said as Abby and I approached.

  “Really? That’s great.” I smiled, taking a closer look at their handy work. “It looks amazing. The students are going to love it. I would know, since I’m one of them.”

  I knew Collin was excited to have passionate students again. Once the local witches found out that they could create their own spells, and not just learn the boring old ones, their interest in learning magic returned.

  “It’s not a hundred percent done,” Collin said. “Blake and I will continue working on it at night after the students leave for the day.”

  Abby cleared her throat, bringing all of our attention to her. “Sorry boys, I really hate to break up all your hard work, but dinner will be ready soon and—”

  “Oh, no!” Collin shouted, interrupting her. “I totally forgot. Your parents are coming, aren’t they?”

  Abby nodded, smiling timidly.

  “Well, I guess I better go get cleaned up then,” Collin said nervously. He gave Abby a quick kiss before he was in the air and flying back home.

  “I’m going to start on the spaghetti,” Abby said, turning around and heading back towards the house.

  “I’ll be right behind you,” I told her.

  There was just one thing I wanted to do before I got started on dinner. When Abby was safely in doors and I didn’t have to hear her make any repulsive, mocking noises, I pulled Blake close to me and gave him a long, hard kiss. Even though I knew we still had a lot of hardships ahead of us, knowing that there was still dark magic out there lurking, I understood how lucky I was to have all the people I cared about safe and sound for now. So from now on, I never wanted to waste a second showing the ones I loved how I felt.

  Abby and I sat down for lunch at the picnic table in our backyard, watching Collin teach a small group of students. He looked excited and full of energy as he spoke about magic and how cool it was to be a witch. I couldn’t help but smile seeing him so happy. It was hard to believe that only a few months ago, we had kind of started off on the wrong foot. I couldn’t help but be grateful that we had become good friends, because there was no mistaking that without him, I wouldn’t be sitting here today.

  “It’s really coming along, isn’t it?” Abby beamed as she looked towards the small schoolhouse that Collin and Blake had built.

  “Yeah, it’s amazing.” I smiled and then took a bite of my sandwich.

  “Yeah,” she sighed and looked over towards Collin, “he is, isn’t he?”

  Uh, that’s not what I said exactly, I thought to myself. I laughed at how her eyes glazed over when she stared at Collin.

  “So dinner went well last night,” I said. “Annette and Samuel seemed happy for you and Collin. Just like I thought they would.”

  “I know. I’m not sure why I was so nervous. My parents love him.” Abby smiled, still staring at Collin. “He’s such a great teacher, isn’t he? Look how attentive he is with those kids.” She took a bite of her sandwich and chewed slowly, still gazing over at Collin.

  I couldn’t help laughing at how she was acting, but this is what I had always wanted for her and thought she deserved. Collin, too. They were both great people and they were perfect for each other.

  The next morning, Blake and I were sharing a nice and quiet breakfast when Abby bounced into the room with a huge smile on her face.

  “Good morning, Abby.” I glanced over to her. “I’ll be ready to start training in a few minutes.”

  “Oh, don’t rush. We need to start enjoying these wonderful, peaceful mornings a little more often,” she said.

  “Well, what has got you in such a good mood this morning?” Blake asked his sister, a curious expression on his face.

  “Why wouldn’t I be happy? I get to wake up to the two of you every morning. I have an amazing boyfriend. My favorite student is going to go down in the history books as being the most powerful Astoria to ever exist, and possibly one day, she will be my sister as well… officially, that is.” She glanced towards me, a large smile spreading across her face. “I already consider you a part of the family.”

  My mouth fell open at her comment; I couldn’t believe she would say such a thing, especially right in front of me, right in front of Blake. Out of the corner of my eye, I glanced over at Blake and I could tell that he was trying to hide his annoyance with his sister.

  “Oh, come on, Meredith, Blake, you both look like you’ve seen a ghost. Meredith, I was only joking—about the becoming my sister part—that is a decision only you and Blake can make, but you are my favorite student and you are going to be the most powerful Astoria to ever exist.” She sighed. “Love is grand, isn’t it?” She left the room and practically floated back down the hall.

  Blake and I laughed. To say that I think she’s in love would be putting it mildly. She had it bad... real bad. It would be easy to tease her about it, but we were both so happy to see her this joyful after everything she had been through with Isaac in the past, that we didn’t dare.

  “So are you excited about this weekend?” Blake asked, changing the subject. The comment Abby had made about officially making me her sister was awkward to say the least.

  Excited about this weekend? That was an understatement. “Yes, I’m so excited I can barely stand it.” I was also nervous, scared, anxious, worried… so many words came to mind when I thought about this weekend.

  On Friday we would all be going back to Marblehead to spend Christmas with Aunt Rose and Jack; and by everyone, I mean everyone. At first, Jackie was a little reluctant, but finally, Daniel talked her into it, telling her that he and Collin had already agreed to go. Annette and Samuel would be coming in, as well, from their home back in 1905. I personally called Ms. Donaldson and invited her, seeing as she was the person responsible for sending me here to London. I felt like I owed her a ton. I was also excited and a little nervous to introduce Roger to Blake and the rest of my new family. He would be home from college and I wanted to spend as much time with him as I possibly could. The few times I had spoken to him while I was in London; he wouldn’t shut up about a new girl he had started seeing. He mentioned that she would be visiting him in Marblehead over the Christmas break, so I would be able to meet her as well.

  Telling Aunt Rose that I had decided to move to London was difficult, but much to my surprise, she wasn’t too upset or sad about it. I finally told her the truth about reconnecting with Jacki
e, but I withheld all of the other information surrounding it. I didn’t think it was appropriate to tell her the whole story over the phone. When I was home for the holidays, I hoped to find some quiet time with just the two of us and I would tell her everything then. She had done so much for me, and now that I felt like magic and the people I loved could coexist, I wanted to tell her everything.

  Just knowing that all the people I loved and cared about would be in one town—all in the same time period and all celebrating the holidays together—excited just wasn’t a big enough word to describe what I was feeling at the moment.

  I often found myself wondering if I would always spend my life worrying—fearing that the people I loved would be at risk with me in their lives—however, after the council changed and tightened their rules, I felt like there was hope finally mingled in with my fears. My life had been turned upside down and inside out over the last few months. Sometimes it felt like I would never get a happy ending and that I was destined to spend my life alone in order to keep the ones I loved safe. Now, I was finding out that not only did a happily ever after exist, but right at this instant… I was living it.

  Heather London is a young adult author who loves to write stories full of fantasy, romance, and science fiction. She is a lover of only the finest of coffee and premium craft beer, but will settle for anything chocolate, regardless of its quality. Heather lives with her husband in Dallas, TX where she is currently working hard on her next project.

  For more information on Heather London and her books, visit:




  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One